Wizard Wields Sword Posted byJackson October 21, 2010 3 Comments on Wizard Wields Sword Here’s a sneak preview of the wizard, who will make his debut in tomorrow’s strip: I drew him wielding a katana for increased awesomeness. Awesomeness is important.
I bet you weren’t bored after you drew your teacher with a katana. Instant excitement, just add steel.
I still say he should be black, so that either Samuel L. Jackson or (as a friend suggested) Dave Chappelle can play him in the Sketch Comedy movie.
I once drew my NT Lit teacher wielding a katana while I was bored in class.
I bet you weren’t bored after you drew your teacher with a katana.
Instant excitement, just add steel.
I still say he should be black, so that either Samuel L. Jackson or (as a friend suggested) Dave Chappelle can play him in the Sketch Comedy movie.