Gordon McAlpin makes another guest appearance in this strip. Additionally, he co-wrote it. Gordon is a master of mixing the topical and the timeless in his own comic strip, Multiplex, about the staff of a fictional movie theater. But you knew that already, because I’m constantly mentioning it all the time.
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Timeless advice, to be sure.
It’s fun how this comic is mostly about what it should be about.
Oh no! My secret has been revealed!
Hahaha, flatulence.
oh, right on, I bet the Greeks were doing plays with flatulence, and maybe even the ancient Egyptians….cavemen. Timeless.
The oldest known joke in the world happens to be a fart joke from ancient Sumer: “Something which has never occurred since time immemorial; a young woman did not fart in her husband’s lap.” (http://www.reuters.com/article/2008/07/31/us-joke-odd-idUSKUA14785120080731)