I think the reason that so many webcartoonists end up posting comic strip notes like “herp derp COMIC” is that they have spent up all their clever on the comic. Leastways that’s what I’m hoping.
Oh hey! SC reader Matt has created another fan comic.
Sam Fuhrman running from the mech is a nice touch.
IMJ has a lot of anger inside, doesn’t he?
He is easily frustrated by lesser intellects.
I’m with James on this one. But I’m not as worked up about it.
If you aren’t TPain, I’ll bring the pain, when you let your music go down the drain, using auto-tu…ain
You’ll cut their sound equipment in twain?
Yeah, I don’t think anyone is as worked-up as James about any of this stuff.
that’s a better second line:
If you ain’t TPain
I’ll cut your ‘quipment in twain
if your your music’s in the drain
‘cuz of auto-tu-ain!
The “herp derp COMIC” arises on my site because of a bug in Comicpress that means if one doesn’t write anything the RSS feed malfunctions.