This would also work if James is trying to keep the Sabbath and forgets to turn on the lights before sunset and so is stuck in the dark for the rest of Friday evening… unless he leaves the house and walks less than half a mile to somewhere else. And given the last comic, I totally thought this was another Sabbath comic because I read the panels out of order
This would also work if James is trying to keep the Sabbath and forgets to turn on the lights before sunset and so is stuck in the dark for the rest of Friday evening… unless he leaves the house and walks less than half a mile to somewhere else. And given the last comic, I totally thought this was another Sabbath comic because I read the panels out of order
doesn’t sabbath start at sundown on Friday?
it does. which is why i was even more confused for a second.
Hehe, oh Jackson you lazy mule. Great to see that you don’ leave your readers just because of the holidays. 😀
DIPLODOCUS!!! Awesome.
Black Sabbath
+1 +1 +1 +1
I am a fan of her right now.