This comic, inspired by a suggestion from my friend Dave Johnson, is a sort of tribute to the mockumentary Troll Hunter. In the film, a group of students filming an independent documentary about bear poachings begins following an enigmatic trapper, only to discover that he is a troll hunter.
Troll Hunter is not for the kids–it earns its PG-13 rating with foul Norwegian language (subtitled) and troll attacks violent and frightening enough to give the elementary school set nightmares. For an adult or responsible teenage viewer, however, the movie provides a creative and hilarious twist on the “found footage” format, deriving additional humor from its deconstruction of Norse troll mythology and the protagonists’ questionable decisions. Despite their shortcomings, though, you can’t help pulling for the overconfident student filmmakers, and the movie musters considerable intensity for its climactic scenes. It’s clever and entertaining, and I would recommend it to teens and adults who enjoy bizarre cinema.
Got lions and tigers in Kenya… forget Norway!
Aahahha. Brilliant.
I immediately went and watched Kenya. Good show. Holy crap. Lions! Tours
More like SNOREway!
Also reminds me of the song Two by Two in The Book of Mormon.
“And your mission location is… Norway!”
“Oh, wow! Norway! Land of gnomes! And trolls!”
I heard they have biting spiders in Nigeria. (inside joke that’s not so funny)
also, bad news spiders in Middle Earth
I guess now he’s pining for the fjords.
Eh? Eh? Nudge nudge, wink wink.
Truly, your Monty Python reference is the pinnacle of hilarity.
Don’t be a jerk, James!
hey James, why aren’t you on yet?
Are you on Pinterest?
It’s where the ladies is at