CALLBACKS: Cerebus Dad: The Call, Character Development, If You Were Really Sorry For Party Rocking You Would Stop Party Rocking
hey guys i’m in florida
It's a stand-up comic.
CALLBACKS: Cerebus Dad: The Call, Character Development, If You Were Really Sorry For Party Rocking You Would Stop Party Rocking
hey guys i’m in florida
Freaking heck, Becky, Jackson’s in Florida!
I do like “everything is ruined forever.” Hilarity.
I wish I could say I had thought of it myself.
Freaking heck Bowlder!
no you were right, Bowdler
Ooh, I’d forgotten the whole Karen and character development thing. Fourth wall? We don’t need no stinking fourth wall.
“That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die.” -H.P. Lovecraft
I assume you know the RSS is still broken, BTW.
Well, it at least works in Google Reader. Hopefully we can get it working in other RSS Readers eventually too.
Freakin’ RSS! Freakin’ heck.