CALLBACKS: Minecraft: Caves, Minecraft II: Guess Who’s Back, Hey
Check the “Caves” callback if you are unfamiliar with Howard’s signature catchphrase!
It's a stand-up comic.
CALLBACKS: Minecraft: Caves, Minecraft II: Guess Who’s Back, Hey
Check the “Caves” callback if you are unfamiliar with Howard’s signature catchphrase!
Haha, that’s funny. It needs a like button. 🙂
Thanks, Matt. There actually is a Like button! Check the Comedy Distribution Tools above your comment, just over top of the tags.
Holy mother of asparugus. How did I not notice that? I am also quite curious about what Howard is mining after.
Learn to spell.
Apairintly, the speling senter of my brane wuzint awaych yet, cuz I defenetlee kno how too spel asparagus.
Jackson is a creeper.
He kinda looks like gumby
I saw him ‘splode once.