CALLBACKS: Robert Montoya, the Reader Mailbag
Long-time Sketch Comedy readers will remember my amigo Robert Montoya. He currently resides in Texas, where he writes stories and believes in liberty.
It's a stand-up comic.
CALLBACKS: Robert Montoya, the Reader Mailbag
Long-time Sketch Comedy readers will remember my amigo Robert Montoya. He currently resides in Texas, where he writes stories and believes in liberty.
That’s not a bad Texas. The rio grande is off a little, but that’s a hard bit to get.
Thanks, Dwight. We strive for excellence in Texases.
way better than the texas in the last comic 😛 >:o
He’s right, there do need to be more EXPLOSIONS!
a well drawn Texas is like an explosion in your hippocampus
Michael, your last name wouldn’t happen to be “Bay,” would it?
No, I just like explosions.
He can’t be sweating. Norway is way too cold. Especially right now.
Needs an animated tag. Also, lack of punctuation + full emphasis = guaranteed hilarity.
It is an infallible formula.
Also, I added “animation” tags to this and all the other comics with animation. It is an expression of love for everyone.