CALLBACKS: Introducing the New Robot: Robot Mart
My brother suggested that in the next strip, I draw myself and Ben Bernanke cranking out dollars on a printing press. But that would be cheating.
It's a stand-up comic.
CALLBACKS: Introducing the New Robot: Robot Mart
My brother suggested that in the next strip, I draw myself and Ben Bernanke cranking out dollars on a printing press. But that would be cheating.
I really want the eventual robot to be the Lime-Green Slurpee Maker of Apollo.
Also, I am becoming distracted by your and Chad’s overt lack of nose.
| I really want the eventual robot to be the Lime-Green Slurpee Maker of Apollo
welp, looks like I’ve got an ending to rewrite here
Re: noses, it is not that we have no noses. It is that our noses’ presence takes the form of their absence.
Or if that’s too metaphysical, just think of us as muppets.
Ahhh, good ole Hojillion.
The hojillion is quite possibly the best number. Not the biggest, of course. But possibly the best.
I think it’s worth it Jackson. Think of the merch you can sale!
We’ll set sale for high fortune!
“Ooh, that’s a bit pricey. What can I get for, uh, $5.87?”
“A Ken doll with a little paper bag over his head with ‘Robot’ Sharpied on it.”
Nemryn, why aren’t you writing the comic? Just go ahead. Take it over.
Hojillion! Whose visage would grace the 1 Hojillion dollar bill, I wonder?
And in other news, Happy Birthday!!!
Thanks, Jenny! I’ll have to think some more about the hojillion-dollar question.
And the face on the hojillion bill is President Jackson (Ferrell).