CALLBACKS: Introducing the New Robot: Robot Mart, Meet Susan: Coffee Slug
“Shopping on Craigslist is exciting! Part of it is hoping you find a great deal. The other part is wondering if you’ll get murdered.” –Wes Molebash
On a related note, you can buy Susan’s ASL Coffee mug on Cafepress, without the risks involved in commerce with sketchy strangers! Get yours today!
Or you could just ask Dr. Robotnik for a robot. 😛
True! Or Dr. Wily.
Except Metal Sonic wins the death battle between the two.
Karen and Susan live in Cincinnati??? where in Cincinnati?
Also, what’s with the 2.541 in the first panel?
Karen doesn’t live in Cincinnati. Susan might. Jackson, however, most certainly does.
2.541 is Susan’s apartment number.
Why are you randomly busting into their apartment anyway?
To provide exposition and advance the storyline!
Selin, it’s Becky with Susan here, not Karen.
Does Becky live in Cincinnati?
At this time we will not reveal whether Becky lives in Cincinnati, so as to preserve an element of mystery.
I’m mystified.
By the way, Jackson, do you browse the Minecraft subreddit? I found a few cool things on there last night. 😛
I do every now and then. It’s been awhile, so I decided to stop by just now and see what’s up. Did you see the working printer?
No, I haven’t!