CALLBACKS: Hot Dogs, Hot Vampire Romance, Meet Susan: Sign Language, The Demands Of The Warehouse Guys, Discontinuities 1, Introducing the New Robot: Reader Mailbag, Wizard Needs Food Badly
Of course, in panel 2 I neglected to mention Howard’s grievances.
Man, I really am a jerk in this comic.
Ok jeez, I won’t keep mailing you bails of comic ideas.
….. with blackjack. And
Hey! Bib! Not in front of the kids!
Durn kids are always stealing my hoes and clippers and shovels.
Ha! At first I thought it was actually going to end with all the feels, then you brought it back, right at the end. Well played, sir.
you still have the “Warehouse Guys Comics” banner up
Try pressing F5. If that doesn’t work, clear your browser’s cache. The Warehouse Guys Logo image file doesn’t even exist on the SC server anymore, so your browser must be reading from a cached file.
Information Technology, suckas! What what!
I still have the “Warehouse Guys Comics” banner up
Try deleting your temporary internet files?
Try Ctrl-F5!
Is this also inadvertently a callback to “Console me”?
No sir–that callback was entirely advertent!
aww, becky, it’s okay! come on, becky. bring it in. okay. [pat pat]
Jackson, you should really watch your @#$!$* language.
I don’t have any art skill, otherwise I would.
If you really want to start a webcomic, Michael, don’t let lack of art skill stand in your way! You can do clipart comics, photocomics, collage comics, stick figure comics, action figure comics…
The only problem is I can’t even draw stick figures nicely.
Jackson, you are a monster.
Well done. 😛