I think Total Recall had a better inversion of this last panel when Clone A asked, “Can you fly this thing”? Clone B: “Better than you can”. Clone A: “Well, that’s good, because your shooting SUCKS”. Sorry for spoiling, but not only the negative works better, but they did not even have to _mention_ the obvious.
I realize it was a Richard critique, but I was doing code reviews for weeks now. Can you imagine they pay good money for being a Richard to other engineers by pointing out obvious mistakes?
http://thesketchy.com/ic/2013/05/22/the-revenge-of-the-warehouse-guys-4 – There is nothing in here that could even remotely be considered exploding. An explosion is a phenomenon, whereas a chainsaw is an object that you can hold in your hands. If you held an explosion in your hands you would probably cease to have hands.
http://thesketchy.com/ic/2013/01/10/oh-no – This is tenuous. There is an explosion in the chamber of the gun, certainly–but we do not actually see it. Is the explosion truly in Sketch Comedy?
http://thesketchy.com/ic/2012/07/26/always-a-good-time – This is just a window shattering! If you hit a baseball through a glass window, would you say, “Oh no! The baseball exploded our neighbor’s window?” You probably would, Dwight, just to spite me. That’s the kind of person you are.
http://thesketchy.com/ic/2011/07/12/james-vs-howard – Just because there’s magic doesn’t mean there’s an explosion. I’ll grant you that there is such a thing as a magical explosion, but this is not one of them. Just look at the lightning!
So, we are still left with every time I create a new character with my Creator Magic (in the Susan strip, I identify the phenomenon as a “creative explosion,” so I really can’t argue the point there), plus the thing where I want to draw a Prinny. Congratulations, Dwight; you have successfully demonstrated that there have been seven distinct explosions in the course of Sketch Comedy to date. Are you happy? Does your victory bring you joy? Do you feel good about yourself because I made a statement and you pointed out that it was wrong? Feel good, Dwight. This is truly your greatest moment of triumph.
I think Total Recall had a better inversion of this last panel when Clone A asked, “Can you fly this thing”? Clone B: “Better than you can”. Clone A: “Well, that’s good, because your shooting SUCKS”. Sorry for spoiling, but not only the negative works better, but they did not even have to _mention_ the obvious.
Or maybe it was The Sixth Day or whatever.
Definitely Sixth Day. Total Recall has no clones. 🙂
Next time, on Sketch Comedy: better jokes!
I realize it was a Richard critique, but I was doing code reviews for weeks now. Can you imagine they pay good money for being a Richard to other engineers by pointing out obvious mistakes?
Language, Author! Think of the children!
(See, I too can be a Richard.)
This sounds familiar. Everybody likes starting comics!
Is the after school special almost done? I miss the explosions.
Dwight, when has Sketch Comedy ever had explosions?
But QC did.
Sketch Comedy needs explosions.
Because when am I able to say “WOO, EXPLOSIONS!”?
Look upon a selection of the explosions thou hast wrought:
So, we are still left with every time I create a new character with my Creator Magic (in the Susan strip, I identify the phenomenon as a “creative explosion,” so I really can’t argue the point there), plus the thing where I want to draw a Prinny. Congratulations, Dwight; you have successfully demonstrated that there have been seven distinct explosions in the course of Sketch Comedy to date. Are you happy? Does your victory bring you joy? Do you feel good about yourself because I made a statement and you pointed out that it was wrong? Feel good, Dwight. This is truly your greatest moment of triumph.
I am become triumph the insult comic dog
explosion |ikˈsplōZHən| noun
a violent and destructive shattering or blowing apart of something…
It’s just like tackling the start of a new game!
Except with less drawing and more game development.
“The only limit is yourself.”
I see someone went to Zombo.com before doing their strip…
Shhhhh, you’ll give away all my secrets!