CALLBACKS: An Excuse to Draw a Mech, An Excuse to Draw a Hot Air Balloon
Let that be a lesson to you all: never set a storyline in The Nether for your webcomic, because the backgrounds are super-dark and Rene Descartes will probably die.
It's a stand-up comic.
CALLBACKS: An Excuse to Draw a Mech, An Excuse to Draw a Hot Air Balloon
Let that be a lesson to you all: never set a storyline in The Nether for your webcomic, because the backgrounds are super-dark and Rene Descartes will probably die.
Alternately: “Highway to the Danger Zone.”
Yay mindcraft.
Can Rene come back? He’s too French to be gone.
Technically, yes, he can; after all, this is a comic where anything is possible. But we will address these matters in time.
Also, Yourscraft.
Correction: “…address zees matters…”
Does the original art work sale include the portrait of Jackson (upper left in the store)?
Baconia misses thee, Jacksonius.