CALLBACKS: The Galactus Show
I hadn’t planned to do a follow-up to The Galactus Show, but then Justin Babb had some great ideas involving Mysterio and I just had to keep running with the gag.
It's a stand-up comic.
CALLBACKS: The Galactus Show
I hadn’t planned to do a follow-up to The Galactus Show, but then Justin Babb had some great ideas involving Mysterio and I just had to keep running with the gag.
I am noticing a lot of talk of food (and planet) consumption in the strip lately. Perhaps Jackson is hungry? Though I do not know how he could be after an entire pot of Skyline…
Well, Cris,
1) it is a day or two between strips, and
2) I love food.
I love this.
“And I will eat them through this helmet! With my awesome Mysterio power!”
+1 +1 +1
I love how this Super-villain Talk Show theme just seems to spawn more ideas. I almost did another follow-up strip where The Mysterio Show is filmed before a live studio audience, or rather it would have been if Spider-man hadn’t rescued my hostage, stupid Spider-man.
I love this.
I love that you and Brian love this.