CALLBACKS: Ask Mr. Science: Dinosaur Feathers
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I decided to finish and post this strip a day early since a bunch of you were anticipating the punchline. I may be able to finish up a third Mr. Science comic this week. Tune in Friday to see if I pulled it off!
Why not “Mr. I Don’t Have A PH.D”?
…Wait, that doesn’t roll off the tongue well at all.
Personally, I love that all of these have been cop-outs. This is perfect. The other day when I shared, I wondered about the Mr. lol.
Favorite series. 😀
The Higgs Boson is called the “God particle” because one aggravated researcher of it called it the “goddamn particle” and reporters mis-reported it. After all, it’s MUCH easier to hype up (and sell news) over scientists having found the “God particle” than news of scientists having found the “goddamn particle”.
Hmm. Apparently the notion of God sending a particle for hell for its sins is less scandalous than the idea that a theoretical particle could be bigger than God!
I think we’ve all learned an important lesson today.
If he were Dr. Science…
The Higgs Boston… sounds like a ritzy hotel.