Guest Week continues! Today’s guest strip is brought to you by Jim Cleaveland of The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob. Jim demonstrates his familiarity not only with Sketch Comedy, but with my webcomics oeuvre as a whole! His onslaught of puns is nothing short of devastating, as is his deluge of classic Pungirls! references. I think my favorite part, though, is his fourth-wall-breaking interaction with Howard.
Like Sketch Comedy, The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob is silly, smart, and fourth-wall-breaky, but it has a sci-fi theme and a greater emphasis on storyline. If you’re looking for a good place to jump in, I recommend starting with Molly’s Tale and There But for the Grace. Thanks again to Jim for providing a guest comic during my vacation!
I enjoyed the sand witch at the end. Well played.
It’s the pun-ultimate coup de grace.