Poor Dietary Decision Theater

CALLBACKS: Celestial Phenomena, It’s Like a Nightmare

NOTE: The events of this strip were fictionalized and did not actually happen. I have been eating fruits and vegetables, Mom!

Thanks to Signing Savvy for their ASL references and resources.

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  1. I noticed that Jackson never actually looks at her, but still knows what she’s signing. Is this the beginning of a storyline where Jackson becomes telepathic every time he eats too many chili dogs?

  2. In the tags I read pun as gun, and wondered if that was just a bit extreme, even for a chili cheese dog overdose. Then I re-read it.

  3. I’m glad I read the note….about these events being fictionalized. You are good at anticipating my responses.

  4. here’s the note written under Poor Dietary Decisions Theater…addressed to me:
    NOTE: The events of this strip were fictionalized and did not actually happen. I have been eating fruits and vegetables, Mom!
    I like “Dieatry”.

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