It’s About Time (4): Comic Anxieties Revisited Posted byJackson November 11, 2013November 10, 2013 10 Comments on It’s About Time (4): Comic Anxieties Revisited CALLBACKS: Comic Anxieties, It’s About Time (1): Back to the Past
Clever Dan, if you’re going to try to impersonate me, the least you could do is spell “Cerebus” right!
My understanding is that Cerebus the Aardvark (originator of the Syndrome) was originally supposed to be named Cerberus, but it got misspelled in the first issue, so Dave Sim just decided to roll with it.
Flying tackle! 🙂
It even gets its own tag!
Good choice Howard
Just saying Cerabus Syndrome doesn’t make it happen. This is slapstick, pure and simple.
I really enjoy saying Cerabus Syndrome in my comic strip.
Clever Dan, if you’re going to try to impersonate me, the least you could do is spell “Cerebus” right!
Now I have to rewash the laundry. Great tackle though.
I keep reading “cerebus syndrome” as “Cerberus syndrome”…
My understanding is that Cerebus the Aardvark (originator of the Syndrome) was originally supposed to be named Cerberus, but it got misspelled in the first issue, so Dave Sim just decided to roll with it.
You nailed it, Bobadventures. 🙂 Thanks for filling everybody in!