Pinhook 2013

The 2013 Pinhook Slalom Open is tomorrow, and I’m going to be there! You may recall Sketch Comedy partnering with Envision Skate Collective last year to promote and support Pinhook 2012, and this year we’re doing it again. First, we’ll be selling the original art shown above and donating the proceeds to charity:water. Additionally, I’ll […]

It’s Spam Comment Friday

One of the best parts of creating a webcomic is interacting with you, the readers. However, automated spambots attempt to inundate my comments section with links to questionable internet locations, and I have to employ a comment filter to keep out the spam! Most of it is obnoxiously blatant (e.g. anything referring to a “weblog,” […]


An IM conversation that I had yesterday with the illustrious Brian C. Russell of The Underfold fame: Brian: Good Monday to you, sir. Jackson: Indubitably, my good fellow. Jackson: A good Monday to you as well! Jackson: ::vomits monocles:: Brian: hahah Jackson: How fare you this fine Mon– Jackson: –hnkg– Jackson: this fine Mon– Jackson: […]

Multiplex: The Card Game

You are almost certainly familiar with Gordon McAlpin (either through my numerous comics where he makes an appearance or because you came here from my Multiplex guest strip from last Thursday). Well, Gordon recently finished his first semester of grad school, and one of his final projects was to create a game. He chose to […]