CALLBACKS: This whole James thing in its entirety Thanks once again to Robert Montoya for co-writing on this one. And that’s enough of IMJ for now! Tune in next Tuesday for something with other characters. Maybe even trademarked ones In the meantime, have you checked out the Subscribers’ Edition lately? Over the past few weeks […]
Category Archives: Independent Thinking
James vs. Howard
CALLBACKS: We Want Wizards, Independent Music Critic James, Karen Throws a Party Co-written, of course, by Robert Montoya.
IMJ’s State Of Affairs
CALLBACKS: Grand Mastery, Arguments II: The Gryfft Perspective, Karen Throws A Party Robert Montoya wrote pretty much all of the words! I just drew the pictures.
Karen Simply Will Not Stop Throwing a Party
CALLBACKS: Independent Values, Karen Throws a Party Hey, did you see the extra 4th of July comic? As of this moment, it should be directly below this post!
Karen Continues To Throw A Party
Chris Merritt is suitable for audiences over 13 years of age. (Now all my 12-year-old readers are going to go download all his music over Limewire or whatever the kids are using these days.) Guess who also co-wrote this strip? Robert Montoya, that’s who.
Karen Throws A Party
herp derp comic EDIT: As I posted this comic, in my sleep-deprived stupor I forgot to mention that it was co-written by Robert Montoya. Herp derp indeed.
Multitrack the Future
I think the reason that so many webcartoonists end up posting comic strip notes like “herp derp COMIC” is that they have spent up all their clever on the comic. Leastways that’s what I’m hoping. Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaames Oh hey! SC reader Matt has created another fan comic. Sam Fuhrman running from the mech is a nice […]
Reader Mailbag: On My Brother and His Furriness
My favorite part about these Reader Mailbags is the opportunity to make Comic Me be a jerk. Anyway, on a less belligerent note, today’s Sketchy Activity Daily will be up later this evening in the requisite album at the Facebook group.
An Excuse to Draw a Hot Air Balloon
CALLBACKS: And You Can’t Stop Me, An Excuse to Draw a Mech This strip originated with a series of twitter posts. First of all, Luke Surl (who posts his own comics at retweeted a tweet of Ryan North’s: “Comic will be delayed until I am no longer in a hot air balloon” with Luke’s […]
Autotune the Future (Remixed)
CALLBACKS: Vocaloid: an Introduction, Autotune the Future If you don’t recognize the anime lady with the necktie and pigtails in the last panel, check the callback link above, “Vocaloid: an Introduction.” It’s been awhile since we saw Hatsune Miku, so I wouldn’t be surprised if your memory may need some jogging. Can’t get enough of […]