Hot Tub Wreck It Ralph Machine

CALLBACKS: Hot Tub Nostalgia Machine, Waluigi Time Does the Wreck-It Ralph review from Monday count as a callback? Sure, why not. I enjoyed watching Wreck-It Ralph, and if you are a long-time fan of video games, you will almost certainly enjoy it too.

Hot Tub Drum Machine

CALLBACKS: Hot Tub Musical Criticism Machine, Independent Music James In case you missed it Monday, my review of Wreck-It Ralph is now up in the Blog. The Blog can be viewed from the main page–be sure to check below the comic from time to time, or just follow the RSS Feed!

Hot Tub Old Testament Literary Criticism Machine

CALLBACKS: Hot Tub Nostalgia Machine, Reader Mailbag The idea for this strip was spawned from a contention by David Willis that Song of Solomon wasn’t actually written by Solomon. It got me to wondering, and I supposed I would ask someone who actually has a Master’s in such matters. Sam Fuhrman to the rescue! Longtime […]

The Demands Of The Warehouse Guys

CALLBACKS: I am a Purchasing Rockstar: Labels and Judgments, Meanwhile Again Long-time Sketch Comedy readers may remember Benzie Johnson from his first SC appearance, or perhaps the guest strip he did that introduced the concept of Censoring Tape®.