Anime: The Mainstreamening, Part III

CALLBACKS: Anime: The Mainstreamening I’ve never seen Welcome to the N.H.K., but honestly it sounds like anime deconstructing its own fanbase. Tune in tomorrow for an extra-special comic concluding this stupid anime thread! Those of you who were hoping for a punchline in this comic may turn your attention to the second panel. You too […]

Anime: The Mainstreamening

CALLBACKS: Introducing the New Robot: Kawaii Bishoujoroid DX, Hot Tub Nostalgia Machine 2, Big O Parody Week Welcome to our series on the history and rise in popularity of anime. I hope you are as excited for it as I am. I wanted to have James use the word “post-shonen” in the last panel because […]

Introducing the New Robot: Kawaii Bishoujoroid DX

CALLBACKS: Introducing the New Robot: Robot Mart, Big O Parody Week: Everyone’s Favorite Sarcastic Android You know, like Astro Boy. Oh, anime. You are so much fun to make fun of.

Big O Parody Week: City Of Amnesia

CALLBACKS: Big O Parody Week: Showtime No Big O Parody Week would be complete without poking fun at the bizarre philosophical conceits found in the series. For all the fun, slam-bang mecha action and noir intrigue, it’s still got that anime tendency to turn into a total mishmash of incomprehensible plot twists and weird symbolism. […]

Big O Parody Week: Jumping Ship

CALLBACKS: Big O Parody Week: Showtime I took more than a few creative liberties with this strip. The line/scene from the first panel doesn’t appear verbatim anywhere in the series, although the creators included more than a few such Roger-Dorothy ship tease moments. Moreover, I don’t actually ship the two of them, so the second […]

Big O Parody Week: Everyone’s Favorite Sarcastic Android

CALLBACKS: Big O Parody Week: Showtime UPDATE: I’ve got a guest strip up at Theater Hopper today! This week you get six comics by me. Crazy! If you haven’t seen at least a couple episodes of the Big O, the last two Dorothy jokes are probably unintelligible to you. At least you may get a […]

Big O Parody Week: Concerning Character Design

CALLBACKS: Big O Parody Week: Showtime Due to the noir aesthetic, the Big O’s character designs are very slick and cool, and they lend themselves especially well to black-and-white artwork. They’re also sort of ridiculous. The original artwork for this strip is available for purchase in the Sketch Comedy Store.