Thanks for your patience, guys. It was an absolute bear to get any momentum going on this one at all. Um…so anyway, Happy New Year!
Tag Archives: beat panel
My Little Friendship: Friendship is Friendship
CALLBACKS: My Little Sketchy: Cartooning Is Magic I hope this comic is as funny to you as it is to me.
CALLBACKS: Okay This Is Just Weird, Hot Tub Nostalgia Machine 3, A Shift In Tone Tomorrow I leave for vacation! In my absence a number of talented cartoonists will entertain you with guest strips. And also Matt Rizkallah. Here’s the lineup: Tuesday (9/13): Brad Pugh (Okay So Comic) Thursday (9/15): Matt Rizkallah (Bloggy Bloggerville) Friday […]
An Excuse to Draw a Hot Air Balloon
CALLBACKS: And You Can’t Stop Me, An Excuse to Draw a Mech This strip originated with a series of twitter posts. First of all, Luke Surl (who posts his own comics at retweeted a tweet of Ryan North’s: “Comic will be delayed until I am no longer in a hot air balloon” with Luke’s […]
Sins of the Howard
Hey. This comic picks up from the recent storyline in which Howard was trapped in Minecraft. If you haven’t already, you can read it from the beginning.
An Excuse to Draw a Mech
Long-time readers may remember Robert Gryfft. Also, special thanks to Sebatinsky, one of my fellow bloggers at Air Theremin, who inspired this comic by insisting that I draw a mech.
Dance Revolutions
Another strip written by Robert Montoya. He did the script, I just brought the artwork. Well, okay, Becky’s appearance was my idea. But still.
This strip was co-written by my friend and colleague Robert Montoya, who is also a filmmaker. You can check out his short film Impact at