Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten who John and Terry are already.
Tag Archives: Death
Minutes In The Past, But Not Many
What It Means To Be Human
CALLBACKS: Cerebus Syndrome, Minecraft: Grave, Howard’s Howard-ventures in Jackson’s Office Land, Discontinuities, my Prinny gags, my Robot Who Doesn’t Do Anything
Basic Continuity
CALLBACKS: Cerebus Syndrome, Minecraft: Grave, Howard’s Howard-ventures in Jackson’s Office Land, Discontinuities Purchase your copy of the newest (and currently only!) Sketch Comedy eBook, The Brief Yet Awesome Adventures of Joe Harris, Expert Colorist, Plus a Bunch of Stuff You Probably Haven’t Seen Yet! The salesmanship never ends.
Something Something Heart Attack
CALLBACKS: Cerebus Syndrome, Minecraft: Grave, Howard’s Howard-ventures in Jackson’s Office Land Speaking of Death, he appears on the cover of our still-relatively-new eBook, The Brief Yet Awesome Adventures of Joe Harris, Expert Colorist, Plus a Bunch of Stuff You Probably Haven’t Seen Yet! Have you purchased your copy? No? Well, we have got this sweet […]
Karen Has A Heart Attack
CALLBACKS: Cerebus Syndrome, Minecraft: Grave, Howard’s Reality, Minecraft III: A Ghast Check out those callbacks if you need a refresher on Death.
Minecraft III Bullseye
CALLBACKS: Minecraft III The Cold Open
Minecraft III A Ghast
CALLBACKS: Minecraft III The Cold Open, Minecraft: Death If you missed it, be sure to check out yesterday’s strip too! That’s right: three updates this week.
Minecraft: Exit
Minecraft: Futile
At one point I thought of something clever to say down here, but then I forgot it.