The Hazards Of Norway

This comic, inspired by a suggestion from my friend Dave Johnson, is a sort of tribute to the mockumentary Troll Hunter. In the film, a group of students filming an independent documentary about bear poachings begins following an enigmatic trapper, only to discover that he is a troll hunter. Troll Hunter is not for the […]


CALLBACKS: Arguments II: The Gryfft Perspective, An Excuse to Draw a Mech Guess what? I’ve got a guest strip up today at! And it’s in color! Luke Surl is an exceptionally clever cartoonist, and his comics feature fun and witty standalone gags. You should read his stuff!

Descartes Week 1

CALLBACKS: Reader Mailbag: Bishop Berkeley, The Service Industry Welcome to Descartes Week! We’ll be bringing you Descartes, his comics, and comics about his comics every day of the week. This is apparently how we celebrate Christmas around here, so I, uh, hope you like Descartes. Vote for SC at Top Web Comics and receive a […]

A Year Of Sketch Comedy (More Or Less)

Sup, guys. I’m back from vacation and ready for another year of Sketch Comedy. Depending on what you mean by “ready,” I mean. In some respects I am completely unprepared. Still, I’ve got some exciting plans ahead for the comic, and I’m jazzed for a new year. I wanted to give props to God, without […]