Anime: The Mainstreamening, Part III

CALLBACKS: Anime: The Mainstreamening I’ve never seen Welcome to the N.H.K., but honestly it sounds like anime deconstructing its own fanbase. Tune in tomorrow for an extra-special comic concluding this stupid anime thread! Those of you who were hoping for a punchline in this comic may turn your attention to the second panel. You too […]

Anime: The Mainstreamening

CALLBACKS: Introducing the New Robot: Kawaii Bishoujoroid DX, Hot Tub Nostalgia Machine 2, Big O Parody Week Welcome to our series on the history and rise in popularity of anime. I hope you are as excited for it as I am. I wanted to have James use the word “post-shonen” in the last panel because […]

Presenting Your Obligatory My Little Pony Season 3 Conclusion Commentary Strip

CALLBACKS: Resomolutions III: The Soul-Searchening, Independent Brony James Check it out! Sketch Comedy now has its own TVTropes page! (Do not check it out if you have anything important to do in the next hour, though. TVTropes is seriously even worse a time-devouring brainial stimulation vortex than Wikipedia.)

Hot Tub Drum Machine

CALLBACKS: Hot Tub Musical Criticism Machine, Independent Music James In case you missed it Monday, my review of Wreck-It Ralph is now up in the Blog. The Blog can be viewed from the main page–be sure to check below the comic from time to time, or just follow the RSS Feed!

This School Is Old

CALLBACKS: Nintendo Hard, Okay So Shatranj, Hot Tub Nostalgia Machine: Classic Gaming IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Be sure to tune in next week, when we’ll be updating every day of the week to bring you Descartes Week! It will be our Christmas gift to you. Tell your friends, tell your enemies, tell the Philosophy Department.