
CALLBACKS: Thinking, Gordon McAlpin On Reference Lest you think I’m being too hard on David Willis, know that he’s at least as hard on himself. Honestly, I like Roomies; it’s a good comic despite its Early Installment Weirdness, and it has a certain charm that isn’t present in Willis’ later works. Which, to be fair, […]

Discontinuities 1

CALLBACKS: Meanwhile Again, also Gryfft hasn’t appeared in a strip since friggin’ September Here! I got a third strip done for you. We are starting a new storyline thing. It is about storyline things. Santa Howard shirts are still on sale, but Monday (12/10) is the last day to ensure your order will be delivered […]

Like It’s Our Job: Re-introducing the New Friend Teri

CALLBACKS: Like It’s Our Job: The Rent, And You Can’t Stop Me Tune in tomorrow for yet another update! Additionally, I came up with some alternate punchlines. [1] BECKY: Also she was in a bunch of strips with James. KAREN: Yes, but technically those haven’t happened yet. [2] KAREN: That’s the first I’ve heard of […]