An Excuse to Draw a Hot Air Balloon

CALLBACKS: And You Can’t Stop Me, An Excuse to Draw a Mech This strip originated with a series of twitter posts. First of all, Luke Surl (who posts his own comics at retweeted a tweet of Ryan North’s: “Comic will be delayed until I am no longer in a hot air balloon” with Luke’s […]

The Never-Ending Quest for Relevance

Gordon McAlpin makes another guest appearance in this strip. Additionally, he co-wrote it. Gordon is a master of mixing the topical and the timeless in his own comic strip, Multiplex, about the staff of a fictional movie theater. But you knew that already, because I’m constantly mentioning it all the time.

Reader Mailbag: Bishop Berkeley

Thanks for the email, Chris B.! Props also to Robert Montoya for helping with the writing and research on this one. Somehow, I don’t think I had ever heard of Bishop Berkeley before fielding this question. It’s nice to have a wide receiver you can defer these things to.

Rejected Super Bowl Strips

Co-writing comics with Robert Montoya has required some extra effort to come up with scripts we’re both pleased with, and we’ve had to scrap a few ideas in the process. Writing is re-writing, as they say. Also, here’s a closer look at my shirt.