
CALLBACKS: The Devastator Babies: Introducing the New Friend Paul Kennedy, Hot Tub Musical Criticism Machine, Hot Tub Drum Machine, Oh No Independent Music James, Tom Morello you ain’t. In other news, football season is coming. Budweiser commercials are coming. Here we go.

The Devastator Babies: Endorsement

CALLBACKS: The Devastator Babies, The Devastator Babies: Introducing the New Friend J.W. Geiger, The Basic Wage Kids I am endeavoring to give you three updates this week! I am doing this because I love you and because I love this storyline. If you are also loving this storyline, why not share it with a friend?

The Devastator Babies: Introducing the New Friend Paul Kennedy

CALLBACKS: The Devastator Babies, New Years Eve [joke about rulers] If you enjoyed this strip (or other strips), please use the Comedy Distribution Tools to share it with other interested parties via social media! We are excited about social media.

The Devastator Babies: Introducing the New Friend Spencer Sullivan

CALLBACKS: The Devastator Babies, The Devastator Babies: Skip Roep Hey guys, welcome to another boring installment of my comic strip where nothing ever happens. Beat panels!

The Devastator Babies: Skip Roep

CALLBACKS: The Devastator Babies That’s right, it’s a storyline, and it features Skip from Owen Heitmann’s Basic Wage Kids. I’ve been looking forward to this one. (Skip will actually physically show up in the next strip.) (Skip will actually physically show up later, but not in the next strip. We apologize for any inconvenience you […]