
Original Comic: Published May 23, 2016 Sponsor: Robert Gryfft Theme: Jacksonland Jacksonland isn’t real. But you know what is real? The Sketch Comedy Patreon, to which you should pledge monthly, thereby obtaining sweet bonuses such as early access to all the comics. There are piles and piles of comics in there that only my Patrons […]

The MacGuffin

Original Comic: Published Mar 28, 2016 Sponsor: Robert Gryfft Theme: The MacGuffin Oh no! Will Sketch Comedy succumb to the forces of continuity? Pledge on Patreon to read all the comics and find out right now! Or just wait two weeks for the next strip to drop right here on the SC site.

On Trilogies Original And Otherwise

Original Comic: Published Jan 26, 2016 Dwight Knoll sponsored this strip on the Sketch Comedy Patreon, selecting a parody-and-fair-use-style appearance from Totoro as his theme. Moreover, this comic was co-written by SC Patron Robert Gryfft, who at my request wrote his own lines for his appearance in this strip! See how much fun and interactivity […]

An Excuse To Cop Out On The Background

CALLBACKS: An Excuse to Draw a Mech, An Excuse to Draw a Hot Air Balloon Let that be a lesson to you all: never set a storyline in The Nether for your webcomic, because the backgrounds are super-dark and Rene Descartes will probably die.

Discontinuities 1

CALLBACKS: Meanwhile Again, also Gryfft hasn’t appeared in a strip since friggin’ September Here! I got a third strip done for you. We are starting a new storyline thing. It is about storyline things. Santa Howard shirts are still on sale, but Monday (12/10) is the last day to ensure your order will be delivered […]

The Devastator Babies: Epilogue

CALLBACKS: The Devastator Babies, The Devastator Babies: Introducing the New Friend Paul Kennedy, The Devastator Babies: Introducing the New Friend J.W. Geiger Who’s the chick with Skip? That’s Emma, the bassist for the Basic Wage Kids. If you’re not sure what Brian Russell is doing here, check this comment.


CALLBACKS: Arguments II: The Gryfft Perspective, An Excuse to Draw a Mech Guess what? I’ve got a guest strip up today at LukeSurl.com! And it’s in color! Luke Surl is an exceptionally clever cartoonist, and his comics feature fun and witty standalone gags. You should read his stuff!