
CALLBACKS: Thinking, Gordon McAlpin On Reference Lest you think I’m being too hard on David Willis, know that he’s at least as hard on himself. Honestly, I like Roomies; it’s a good comic despite its Early Installment Weirdness, and it has a certain charm that isn’t present in Willis’ later works. Which, to be fair, […]


CALLBACKS: The Curse Of Halloween, Voyage Of The Dawn Treader, Yo, Voyage Of The Dawn Treader II: Son Of The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader, Yo, Like It’s Our Job: Release the Flashback, Cerebus Dad: The Cut

Cerebus Dad: Oh Great Another Epilogue Strip

CALLBACKS: Cerebus Dad: The Call, Cerebus Dad: Internalizing Your Monologue Good news, everyone! With some advice from astute Sketch Comedy reader Wes, and the help of a plugin called ‘fix-rss-feed‘, it would seem that we’ve got the Sketch Comedy RSS Feed working again! Feel free to help yourselves to the feed.

Like It’s Our Job: Great Comic Moments In History

CALLBACKS: (Like Its Our Job) The Rent, Independent Values As both the creator of this comic and a character in it, you’d think I’d stop doing strips where the joke is “Jackson is kind of a jerk.” Also: there’s new bonus art in the photo album on the Facebook page! Go forth and behold it.