CALLBACKS: An Excuse to Draw a Mech, An Excuse to Draw a Hot Air Balloon Let that be a lesson to you all: never set a storyline in The Nether for your webcomic, because the backgrounds are super-dark and Rene Descartes will probably die.
Tag Archives: shirts
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CALLBACKS: Meet Susan: Sign Language, Independent Music Critic James, Oh Internet Too Oh, and Schuler Books & Music.
Multitrack the Future
I think the reason that so many webcartoonists end up posting comic strip notes like “herp derp COMIC” is that they have spent up all their clever on the comic. Leastways that’s what I’m hoping. Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaames Oh hey! SC reader Matt has created another fan comic. Sam Fuhrman running from the mech is a nice […]
Autotune the Future (Remixed)
CALLBACKS: Vocaloid: an Introduction, Autotune the Future If you don’t recognize the anime lady with the necktie and pigtails in the last panel, check the callback link above, “Vocaloid: an Introduction.” It’s been awhile since we saw Hatsune Miku, so I wouldn’t be surprised if your memory may need some jogging. Can’t get enough of […]
Independent Music James Goes Shopping in “Independent Music James Goes Shopping”
We now return to your regularly scheduled Independent Music James. I did another bonus single-panel comic for the Subscribers’ Edition. Once again, it’s autobiographical. Once again, in color. However, this bonus comic contains a stupid pun and a Homestuck reference! You can’t get that in the regular comic. Oh. Wait.