CALLBACKS: The Galactus Show I hadn’t planned to do a follow-up to The Galactus Show, but then Justin Babb had some great ideas involving Mysterio and I just had to keep running with the gag.
Tag Archives: television
Introducing the New Robot: Action Adventure
CALLBACKS: Introducing the New Robot: Because Robots are Awesome, Introducing the New Robot: Regarding Craigslist Long-time readers of my comics will recognize Action Robot from my short-lived comic series, .
Super Bowl Sundae
CALLBACKS: Ubiquitus Moss, The Once And Future Tebow I enjoy football as much as the next guy. Moreover, I’ll be the first to point out that the game has tactical and strategic depth, and that there are economic, culturo-historical, and political levels to the game: that even as we humans shape the sport, it in […]
Nintendo Hard
CALLBACKS: Hot Tub Nostalgia Machine: A Link to the Past, It’s Not Like We Played These Games for the Plot, Anyway, the Eighties Brian Russell of The Underfold continues to be a guest. He is welcome anytime, as long as he doesn’t mind having his entire past fabricated by the demented retcons of the cartoonist.
Strangling Creativity
Ubiquitus Moss Again
Robert Montoya had a hand in this one as well. The punchline is mine, though; I find Descartes reedeeculous Frahhnch ack-scent to be inordinately funny. P.S. Have you seen the award presentation I drew for the 2010 Webcomic List Awards? Have you seen all the awards presentations?