CALLBACKS: Cerebus Syndrome, Minecraft: Grave, Howard’s Howard-ventures in Jackson’s Office Land Speaking of Death, he appears on the cover of our still-relatively-new eBook, The Brief Yet Awesome Adventures of Joe Harris, Expert Colorist, Plus a Bunch of Stuff You Probably Haven’t Seen Yet! Have you purchased your copy? No? Well, we have got this sweet […]
Tag Archives: the Bible
Hot Tub Old Testament Literary Criticism Machine
CALLBACKS: Hot Tub Nostalgia Machine, Reader Mailbag The idea for this strip was spawned from a contention by David Willis that Song of Solomon wasn’t actually written by Solomon. It got me to wondering, and I supposed I would ask someone who actually has a Master’s in such matters. Sam Fuhrman to the rescue! Longtime […]
Indier Than Thou
The original artwork for this strip is available for purchase in the Sketch Comedy Store. (Based on John 1:44-46.)