CALLBACKS: Minecraft III The Cold Open
Tag Archives: the Nether
Minecraft III Cogito
CALLBACKS: Minecraft: Grave, Minecraft III The Cold Open, Minecraft III A Ghast, and of course this hideous eyesore
Minecraft III The Reaper
CALLBACKS: Minecraft III The Cold Open
Minecraft III Bullseye
CALLBACKS: Minecraft III The Cold Open
Minecraft III The Montage
CALLBACKS: Minecraft III The Cold Open Thursday’s comic posts early! Might there even be a third comic before the week is over? It is not inconceivable. If you are enjoying this storyline, please share it with your Minecraft friends. I am posting it online precisely for you, who are enjoying it, and your Minecraft friends.
Minecraft III Trapped With Ubiquitus Moss
CALLBACKS: Minecraft III The Cold Open, Ubiquitus Moss, Ubiquitus Moss Again I got three comics done this week! You know, if you count that throwaway title card logo thing. Hopefully I can get the next strip done for Monday, so we can go back to our usual schedule.
Minecraft III Trapped With Descartes
CALLBACKS: Minecraft III The Cold Open Boom! It’s Tuesday night and one down already. I bet you I can get a second strip done by Friday.
Minecraft III The Cold Open
CALLBACKS: Minecraft: Great, Minecraft II: Guess Who’s Back This is my friend Matt Rizkallah. He actually talks like this.