CALLBACKS: Minecraft III The Cold Open
Tag Archives: Ubiquitus Moss
Minecraft III Cogito
CALLBACKS: Minecraft: Grave, Minecraft III The Cold Open, Minecraft III A Ghast, and of course this hideous eyesore
Minecraft III Bullseye
CALLBACKS: Minecraft III The Cold Open
Minecraft III The Montage
CALLBACKS: Minecraft III The Cold Open Thursday’s comic posts early! Might there even be a third comic before the week is over? It is not inconceivable. If you are enjoying this storyline, please share it with your Minecraft friends. I am posting it online precisely for you, who are enjoying it, and your Minecraft friends.
Minecraft III Zombie Pigmen Ex Machina
CALLBACKS: Minecraft III The Cold Open
Minecraft III Trapped With Ubiquitus Moss
CALLBACKS: Minecraft III The Cold Open, Ubiquitus Moss, Ubiquitus Moss Again I got three comics done this week! You know, if you count that throwaway title card logo thing. Hopefully I can get the next strip done for Monday, so we can go back to our usual schedule.
Minecraft III The Title Card
CALLBACKS: Minecraft: Great, Minecraft II: Guess Who’s Back, Introducing The New Character Susan, Introducing The New Band The Devastator Babies Sweet, it even looks like a crappy knock-off of the Zelda II logo. Will this half-butted excuse for a comic actually count as one of this week’s two regular updates? That depends on if I […]
Facing Our Fears
Happy Halloween, everyone. And just because I know you’re going to ask: the dying-alone snakes. Will there be another comic tomorrow? Almost certainly.
Back To The Sport Pile
CALLBACKS: Ubiquitus Moss, Ubiquitus Moss Again, Grand Mastery As you may already know, the NFL Lockout has come to a close, with the players and owners having reached an agreement late last week. We’re going to have football again! I’ve only recently become interested in football, since watching The Blind Side in 2009 and then […]
Reader Mailbag: Bishop Berkeley
Thanks for the email, Chris B.! Props also to Robert Montoya for helping with the writing and research on this one. Somehow, I don’t think I had ever heard of Bishop Berkeley before fielding this question. It’s nice to have a wide receiver you can defer these things to.