So, apart from working on my portfolio, I have also been hard at work in the world of Minecraft. Behold the fruits of my labor! . . . .
Tag Archives: video games
Turning The Traditional Formula On Its Head
Metal Storm is the best video game ever you guys. I technically got back from vacation yesterday, but it was super-late in the evening. Thanks again to Brian Russell and Jim Cleaveland for their guest strips last week. I’ll have a new strip next Monday with an important announcement!
An Excuse To Cop Out On The Background
CALLBACKS: An Excuse to Draw a Mech, An Excuse to Draw a Hot Air Balloon Let that be a lesson to you all: never set a storyline in The Nether for your webcomic, because the backgrounds are super-dark and Rene Descartes will probably die.
Minecraft III Denouement
CALLBACKS: Minecraft III The Cold Open
Minecraft III Cogito
CALLBACKS: Minecraft: Grave, Minecraft III The Cold Open, Minecraft III A Ghast, and of course this hideous eyesore
Minecraft III The Reaper
CALLBACKS: Minecraft III The Cold Open
Minecraft III Bullseye
CALLBACKS: Minecraft III The Cold Open
Minecraft III A Ghast
CALLBACKS: Minecraft III The Cold Open, Minecraft: Death If you missed it, be sure to check out yesterday’s strip too! That’s right: three updates this week.
Minecraft III The Montage
CALLBACKS: Minecraft III The Cold Open Thursday’s comic posts early! Might there even be a third comic before the week is over? It is not inconceivable. If you are enjoying this storyline, please share it with your Minecraft friends. I am posting it online precisely for you, who are enjoying it, and your Minecraft friends.
Minecraft III Zombie Pigmen Ex Machina
CALLBACKS: Minecraft III The Cold Open