Today the hot tub topic for discussion is anime. What’s your favorite anime series, and what does it deconstruct?
Hot Tub Nostalgia Machine
Game Plans
Here’s the game plan for the upcoming week. New comics will post on Monday (12/6) and Thursday (12/9), instead of the Tues/Fri that is my habit. Then, on Friday evening/Saturday morning, you can expect a review of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, which I am super-pumped to see. (This will obviously be a very objective and unbiased review.) Also, keep your eyes on This Week in Webcomics, where I will post part one of my Webcomics Holiday Shopping Guide sometime this week!
Woohoo, content! Enjoy the content, you guys.
EDIT, 12/11 (evening): Okay, this Dawn Treader stuff is taking me a bit longer than I thought. I’ll have the review up sometime this upcoming week–hopefully Monday or Wednesday. But whenever the review goes up, I always shoot to get you new comics on Tuesday and Friday, so that’s priority number one here.
And You Can’t Stop Me
Gryfft is one of my fellow bloggers from Air Theremin.
Furthermore, he has created his own comic in response. The fourth wall is dead; long live the fourth wall.
Media Mediated: Minecraft
I’ve been meaning to post another “Media Mediated” entry and criticize some of your favorite music, or maybe explain why you need to be reading MS Paint Adventures, but unfortunately my brain has been colonized by Minecraft. Minecraft is a computer game, currently in public alpha, where you collect stuff and build stuff during the day, and at night the zombies come out. It is like the love child of The Sims, a first person shooter, and your old NES. I’m not sure how that works biologically but that’s how it is.
So, I built a ginormous hall!
Another good name for it would have been “Le Chateau Ginormé.”
Inside my giant hall I built a passageway that leads into the caves. There is a door to keep out the spiders.
Inside the caves, I brave untold dangers and shine a light into the dark in search of gold and iron and stuff.
Minecraft is tons of fun, and at approximately $15 (9.95 euros), it’s a great purchase if you don’t want to get anything done ever. The buy includes not only the alpha, but all future upgrades and editions, including the final version which will sell for 20 euros. The alpha comes with a multiplayer version, which I am eager to try out but have not yet had time to, what with all the Minecraft I’ve been playing. It is available for purchase and download at
If I am going to get any comics done at all, they will probably have to be all Minecraft comics from here on out. I will change the name of the site to “Minecraft Minecraftedy,” and Howard will be made out of pixels.
I Am A Purchasing Rockstar: Pokemon Performance
Borderline Boy readers will recall I am a Purchasing Rockstar, my workplace-humor strip series inspired loosely by my job as a purchasing agent. We don’t actually sell snowplow parts to Pokemon, although I’m sure we would if they applied for NLP distributor status.
Max vs. Max guest strip!
Max vs. Max is easily one of my favorite comic strips online or offline. For the past year, cartoonist Wes Molebash has entertained us with the life and times of divorcee Maxwell Stanton, delivering all kinds of humor, wisdom and poignancy.
It was with no small amount of sadness that I discovered the strip is drawing to a close this Friday. I’d created a guest strip for Max vs. Max, but it’s ended up being a sort of going-away present. I’m sad to see it go, but it’s good to see it reaching a conclusion and coming full circle.
Plus, we’ll still be able to get comics, words, and other cool internet things from Wes at his new blog Wes Draws. Go check it out, check out Max vs. Max if you haven’t already, and check out my guest strip!